Lameness Explained

OK, more than one person wanted explanations of The C++ <random> Lame List, so here are some of my thoughts, if only to save people searching elsewhere. Calling rand() is lame because it’s an LCG with horrible randomness properties, and we can do better. And if you’re not calling rand(), there’s no reason to call… Continue reading Lameness Explained

Categorized as C++

The C++ <random> Lame List

Network programmers of a certain age may remember the Windows Sockets Lame List. I previously wrote a short “don’t-do-that-do-this” guide for modern C++ randomness, and I was recently reading another Reddit exchange featuring STL, author of many parts of Microsoft’s STL implementation, when it struck me that use of C++ <random> needs its own lame… Continue reading The C++ <random> Lame List

Categorized as C++